This World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) the Barwon Elder Abuse Primary Prevention (BEAPP) Network and Barwon Community Legal Service is standing alongside the City of Greater Geelong to partner on the Inheritance Not An Entitlement Campaign.
This social media campaign features a series of short films that challenge commonly held myths about inheritance and how this can lead to financial elder abuse. Elder abuse is a global issue which affects the health, wellbeing, independence and human rights of millions of older people. Elder abuse is any act which causes harm to an older person and is carried out by someone they know and trust. The abuse may be financial, psychological, physical, social, or sexual and can include mistreatment and neglect.
Greater Geelong Deputy Mayor Cr Trent Sullivan says “Everyone has the right to feel safe and live free from fear of violence, coercion and intimidation. Elder abuse is an issue that has serious impacts on the health, wellbeing, independence and human rights of millions of older people globally including many in our region – this is simply unacceptable.
To improve the health and wellbeing of older people in our community, we need to take a holistic approach and work with all levels of government, organisations and the broader community.
This World Elder Abuse Awareness Day we’re proud to partner with Barwon Elder Abuse Primary Prevention Network and Barwon Community Legal Service to challenge financial elder abuse in our community and to provide information on where to get support locally.
Support is available to those experiencing elder abuse, so I encourage you to reach out to the services available. And if you suspect that a loved one, neighbour or acquaintance is experiencing elder abuse, please report it.”
Geordie Stapleton, Acting CEO of Barwon Community Legal Service who convene the Barwon Elder Abuse Primary Prevention Network says “Elder abuse is a form of family violence and it is unacceptable. Feeling pressured by your children to provide money or assets as “early inheritance” is not acceptable. Everyone has the right to live safely, free from abuse, harm and exploitation – ageing does not diminish your human rights”.
In acknowledgement of WEAAD, the City’s Catenary lights on the corner of Moorabool and Malop streets were lit up in purple on Tuesday 15 June. Elder abuse occurs as a result of ageism and inequality in our society. It is an issue which deserves the attention of everyone in our community.
If you, or someone close to you, is experiencing elder abuse, support is available. Please contact the Barwon Orange Door on 1800 312 820, Seniors Rights Victoria 1300 368 821 or Barwon Community Legal Service on 1300 430 599.
To celebrate WEAAD this year we running a FREE virtual training on Thursday 17th June at 10 am with Seniors Rights Victoria for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). The workshop will include screenings of the #InheritanceNotAnEntitlement short films and presentations from Seniors Rights Victoria and a panel of local experts on how to spot financial elder abuse and local supports available in community.
To register for our event head over to the Eventbrite page here.