Learn how to spot legal issues and make effective referrals to legal services. An introduction for workers who do not regularly assist clients with legal issues. Includes videos and downloadable resources for your daily work.
Learn all the skills you need to help your clients who have legal issues. An in-depth training including videos, case studies, quizzes and downloadable resources for your daily work. Recommended for any worker who regularly has clients with legal issues.
Learn the basics of the legal system in Victoria, to help you understand your clients’ legal issues sooner. Recommended as an introduction or refresher to build knowledge and give confidence to workers in talking to their clients about legal issues.
We offer our free Law for Community Workers training to non-legal organisations to assist workers to better support their clients experiencing legal issues and understand the law.
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Last modified on November 16th, 2022 at 9:31 am
The content on this site is information only and is not legal advice. If you need legal advice please contact us.
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