We have released our position statement on the Voice to Parliament referendum – you can read it here.
In 2020 we received funding from the Victoria Law Foundation (VLF) as part of its Knowledge Grant funding stream for our Knowledge Building Project examining civil law needs of older people in our region in partnership with Deakin University.
You can access our Summary Research report here and Full Research Report here.
In 2019 we received funding from Victoria Law Foundation and support from the City of Greater Geelong for our Portraits of Justice project.
Working with local artists’ collective, Geelong Illustrators, young people from a diverse range of backgrounds were supported to create a portrait of a local person who provides services for young people within the justice system. Portraits were created during live sittings, through a discussion about what ‘justice’ means to young people today, and what legal services and solutions are available in the local area. The portraits were showcased in an exhibition at the Geelong Library & Heritage Centre and have been included in the legal help booklet.
You can access the Portraits of Justice Legal Help Booklet here.
In 2021 we undertook a legal needs analysis with the assistance of consultants Lirata. The purpose of this analysis was to understand the met legal need of services we are delivering and the potential unmet legal needs within our communities, including where priority client groups may be falling through the gaps. We examined internal data and external demographic data across a three year period: 2018/19 to 2020/21 and built on this work in 2022 with the assistance of a research intern to update our data and analysis from the newly released Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census.
You can access a brief snapshot of our Legal Needs Analysis here.
Last modified on November 25th, 2024 at 1:20 pm
The content on this site is information only and is not legal advice. If you need legal advice please contact us.