Reclaiming the Night to launch the Barwon Month of Action - Barwon Community Legal Service

Reclaiming the Night to launch the Barwon Month of Action

On 26th October 2018, we joined communities across the Barwon region to advocate for the fundamental right of women to be safe and free from violence. Over fifty women, men and children marched through Seagull Paddock in North Geelong to Reclaim the Night before arriving at Diversitat Northern Hub for the official launch of the 2018 Barwon Month of Action Program.

Recently arrived Karen women and their families added their voice to the movement. Under the guidance of artist Amal Laala the women crafted placards and signs in their local dialect with messages of support for ending gender-based violence.  The walk ended at Diversitat Northern Hub where Wadawurrung Woman Corrina Eccles led a women’s traditional smoking ceremony. Marchers were greeted with tasty food courtesy of the Iranian community. Councillor Mansfield was joined by other prominent community members to talk about the importance of standing strong in the fight to end violence against women and children. The event also gave the opportunity for a local African big band choir to showcase their talent and encouraged the crowd to dance to the African beats.

The Barwon Month of Action is a long running campaign within the Barwon region. It supports individuals, groups and organisations to host or participate in a community event or activity that raises awareness and education about men’s violence against women and children. The Month of Action is a product of the collaboration between eight organisations, including Barwon Community Legal Service. Events and activities run from Reclaim the night until November 25 which marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism, including the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. For a list of all community events and activities head to

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